Every year, abstracts submitted for the Research Training Symposium and Poster Session will be compiled in the Abstract Book. The creation of this abstract book is a time-intensive project; therefore, we appreciate strict adherence to the guidelines.
- Do not include images, charts, tables, linked data, or hyperlinks in your abstract.
- Abstracts have a 2500 character limit total, including spaces, which is approximately 300-350 words (note: a 275 word abstract that is 2501 characters is over the limit). This character limit includes author information, abstract title, and all abstract text. If the total “characters with spaces” count exceeds 2500, the abstract will be returned for revision.
Proper completion and timely submission of your abstracts will help us complete this project effectively and efficiently. (Explore past Poster Days to see Abstract Books and photos.)
The abstract is comprised of the following four sections:
1. Introduction
- A brief statement of the problem in a broad context and an explicit explanation of why it has basic, translational, and/or clinical research importance.
- A clear and concise statement of the research question(s).
- The specific aims to answer the research question(s).
2. Methods
Overview of the research methods used. Avoid non-essential technical minutiae and discipline-specific jargon.
3. Results
Description of the results of the research, or if research is ongoing, describe anticipated results.
4. Conclusions
The basic, translational, clinical, or public health impact of your research. For example, answer one of the following questions:
“What would be the immediate effect on the health of the public if this research project is successfully completed?”
“What is the path the research should follow to have an effect?”
Qualtrics software is used to collect abstracts; if you are participating in the Research Symposium and Poster Day you will be contacted with instructions regarding the procedures for submitting your abstract.