Your overall health and wellness is of paramount importance to us. The Office of Medical Student Affairs, other School of Medicine offices, and medical students themselves provide a number of services and opportunities to help you maintain wellness in all aspects of your life.

Dis-Orientation Guide
Explore what our first-year medical students have to say about wellness in the Dis-Orientation Guide, an informative and entertaining guide to the city, school and life as a medical student.
I will treat myself with the same respect I show my patients and colleagues, recognizing the value of my own wellness.
An excerpt from the class oath written by the entering class of 2022
In addition to the school’s academic, financial, mental, physical, social and spiritual wellness resources, there are many student-led entities that promote and organize events fostering student wellness, namely the Society Coordinators and Social Chairs.
- Peer Advocate Program – Trained to know on-campus and off-campus resources, WUSM Peer Advocates (PAs) serve as accessible listeners for their medical student peers with the goal of helping students understand and use mistreatment reporting systems, mental health professional support, and other student resources. PAs will make themselves available to meet or speak with students regarding issues of student concern including, but not limited to student mistreatment. There are Peer Advocates of every phase of the curriculum, intended to be a resource for different stages of the WUSM experience. All PAs are individuals who have committed to the required training and want to connect with you about whatever you want to discuss. The purpose of these conversations will be 1) to provide initial support for the student and 2) to gather trends in student experience that will be transmitted to the Learning Climate Committee (LCC) and other administrative support. PAs will respond to meeting requests within 24 hours. Meetings can be requested through email to the WUSM PA gmail account,, or through this link:
- Student Wellness Representative: An officer for each class is responsible for promoting wellness services and opportunities and even developing their own.
- Reporting issues: There are a number of ways for reporting any form of mistreatment.
- Wellness Grants: Becker Library, in partnership with the school of medicine’s educational programs, provides small grants for student and trainee-led health and wellness initiatives. Students, post-docs, residents and fellows have won modest funding for pickleball equipment, booking tennis court time, Top-Golf & Bar K events and many other activities. Learn more and submit a Feuerstein Health & Wellness application.
- Wellness Week: Every year in the spring, medical students organize Wellness Week, featuring events focused on various aspects of student well-being.
Contact the Office of Medical Student Affairs for help. Sensitive requests are kept strictly confidential.
Emergency contacts
Safety emergency
On campus, call 314-362-4357 (HELP)
Off campus, call 911
Mental health crisis
8 am – 4 pm, M-F, call 314-362-2404
After hours, call 314-362-4357