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School of Medicine students interested in the Year-Long Research Program should meet with Dean Chung first to find a mentor and project and discuss funding opportunities.

The Year-Long Research Program at a glance:

  • one year full-time research: the MD5 program
  • potential  for enrollment in MSCI, MPHS, MPH  or other degree-granting programs
  • stipend availability and amount depends on degree program
  • tuition may be covered
The MD5 Program

Medical students wishing to complete a year of independent research outside of their degree program, and not pursuing an additional degree, may apply for the MD5 program. Funding is not available through OMSR, though students may receive a stipend from their research mentor.

Details and application for MD5

Eligibility: Available to all Washington University medical students at any point in the curriculum.

Length of Program: Completed in one year; in rare circumstances, a second year may be granted.

Application: Due one month prior to the start of the research year. The application and the research proposal are submitted to the Dean for Medical Student Research.


  • Students who wish to take advantage of this program should select a research mentor among the school’s faculty and obtain permission to work with this person for one year. The arrangement must then be approved by the Dean for Medical Student Research.
  • An independent research project must be completed.
  • Students and mentors are expected to meet regularly throughout the year to ensure timely progress and the benefit of mentor guidance and feedback.
  • No thesis is required. However, a final research report must be submitted to the mentor and the Dean for Medical Student Research at the completion of the research year.
  • The mentor issues to the Dean for Medical Student Research a final grade (Pass/Fail) and an evaluation of the student at the completion of the research year.

Funding and Tuition: No funding is available through Washington University School of Medicine (and no tuition is required), though students may receive a stipend from the research mentor.

Further Information: Students interested in the program may obtain additional information and an application by contacting:

Terrance Kummer, MD, PhD
Associate Dean, Medical Student Research and Scholarship
Director, EXPLORE Program
Associate Professor of Neurology

Rosalyn Bradshaw-Robinson
Project Manager/Research Administrator

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)

The Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI) Program provides high-quality, multidisciplinary training in clinical research to promote the successful career development of clinical investigators. Concentrations in Clinical Investigation, Genetics/Genomics, and Translational Medicine allow students to tailor coursework to their research interests.

Details and application for MSCI

Eligibility: Available to all Washington University medical students


  • The master’s program consists of 33 credits and includes the following core curriculum in clinical investigation:
    • Designing Outcomes and Clinical Research or Epidemiology for Clinical Research
  • Ethical and Legal Issues in Clinical Research
  • Intermediate Statistics for the Health Sciences
  • Introduction to Statistics for Clinical Investigation
  • Scientific Writing and Publishing or Grantsmanship
  • Conduct independent research under the guidance of a mentor and a mentorship committee
  • Participate in an ongoing seminar series to present and discuss research as a work-in-progress
  • Take elective course work related to research interests
  • Submit a final thesis consisting of a clinical research manuscript submitted to a peer-reviewed journal for publication

Note advanced placement credit can be earned for past equivalent course work as determined on an individual basis up to 9 credit hours.

Funding and Tuition: Tuition is covered by the School of Medicine

Further Information: For more information regarding this program, please contact:

email: crtcmsci@wustl.edu
website: http://crtc.wustl.edu

CRTC Predoctoral Clinical Research Training Program TL1-Intensive

The Clinical Research Training Center (CRTC) Predoctoral Clinical Research Training Program TL1-Intensive provides medical students with a one-year mentored clinical or translational research experience, didactic course work and career development seminars. As a core educational component of the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS) at Washington University, the CRTC Predoctoral Program strives to:

  • Promote clinical and translational research training for medical and allied health care predoctoral students.
  • Create an efficient entry into a variety of clinical research careers.
  • Allow flexibility to develop novel and unique clinical and translational research projects.
Details and application for CRTC Predoctoral Clinical Research Training Program

Eligibility: Available to all Washington University medical students

Application: Applications to the CRTC Predoctoral TL1-Intensive Program are accepted online. Applications open in late fall of each year and close in the early spring of the following year.


  • Must commit full-time effort to the program for the duration of the appointment
  • Successfully complete all course work per the requirements of the individual courses
  • Attend required seminars

Funding and Tuition: Tuition is covered by the School of Medicine. A stipend is available.

More Information: For more information, including specific application and course work requirements, please visit the CTC website or contact:

Jay Piccirillo, MD, FACS
CRTC Predoctoral Program Director
voice: 314-362-8641
email: piccirij@wustl.edu

Clinical Research Training Center — Predoctoral Program
Washington University School of Medicine
Campus Box 8051
660 S. Euclid Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110
email: crtcpredoc@dom.wustl.edu

Master of Population Health Sciences (MPHS)

One of just a few programs nationwide that offers clinician-researchers training in population health research methods, the MPHS is a 10-month, full-time degree program. Students choose from one of four concentrations: Clinical Epidemiology, Health Services, Quantitative Methods, and Psychiatric and Behavioral Health Sciences. The curriculum emphasizes the role of clinical epidemiology and biostatistics in approaching clinical effectiveness and outcomes research for all medical fields. Using topics relevant to  the art of developing research study protocols, performing systematic reviews, designing epidemiologic studies, writing grants and much more. The program is intended for medical students who plan to incorporate clinical effectiveness or outcomes research into their clinical careers.

Details and application for MPHS

Eligibility: Available to all Washington University medical students

Length of Program: minimum 10 months

Application: Deadline for the academic year is March 15


  • Complete core MPH coursework
  • Introduction to Statistical Analysis Software
  • Biostatistics 1
  • Biostatistics 2
  • Ethics in Population and Clinical Health Research
  • Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology
  • Intermediate Clinical Epidemiology
  • Applied Epidemiology
  • Information on elective courses is available here
  • No thesis is required

Further Information: The director of the MPHS program is Graham Colditz, MD, DrPH. Additional information can be obtained the MPHS website or by emailing mphs@wustl.edu.

Master of Public Health (MPH)

The MPH program is designed for medical students with an interest in population health. Students gain an understanding of the social, economic, environmental and cultural determinants of health and learn to apply evidence-based approaches to community-level disease prevention, health promotion and health policy. Medical students earn the MPH degree from the Brown School in one additional year of study.

Details and application for MPH

Eligibility: Available to all Washington University medical students

Length of Program: approximately one year

Application: Applications are accepted throughout the year. Please click here for more information.

Further Information: For more information regarding this program, contact:

Brown School
Washington University
Campus Box 1196
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899

phone: (314) 935-6676
toll free: (877) 321-2426 (Continental U.S. Only)
fax: (314) 935-4859
email: mph@wustl.edu
website: mph.wustl.edu

Get started

Meet with Dean Chung to review research opportunities and discuss the best match for your goals, schedule and interests.

Schedule your meeting with Dean Chung »