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Sickle Cell Hotspotting

Sickle Cell Hotspotting works with sickle cell patients identified in clinic or in the hospital by providers as potentially benefiting from follow-up to address social determinants of health. Medical students will contact them for follow-up.

Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN)

The Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN) organizes and sponsors a wide range of activities for students interested in learning more about careers in neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry.

Student National Medical Association (SNMA)

The Student National Medical Association (SNMA) is the nation’s oldest and largest student organization focused on the needs and concerns of medical students of color.

Students for Sight

The purpose of Students for Sight is to connect and collaborate with local groups that are dedicated to helping youth who are blind and visually impaired and their families. Specifically, to empower these children and teenagers to reach their full potential and help them build a community of support. This will be accomplished by helping recruit volunteers to staff the regularly scheduled events at the Delta Gamma Center, plan new events for the Delta Gamma Center, and potentially partner with other organizations such as the Missouri School for the Blind if there is a need.

Sun Protection Outreach Teaching by Students (SPOTS)

The Sun Protection Outreach Teaching by Students (SPOTS) group works with SLU med students to teach local middle- and high-school students about early detection of and preventative measures against skin cancer.

Surgery Interest Group (SIG)

The Surgery Interest Group (SIG) is sponsored by the Department of Surgery with an aim of allowing students to learn more about surgery as a career before clinical rotations begin.

Suture Squad

Suture Squad will serve as a localization of opportunities to heavily emphasize the practice of suturing across all the surgical specialties and gain hands-on practice early in the Gateway Curriculum.

Unhoused Health

The purpose of Unhoused Health is to create a centralized and official student group interested in unhoused public service and street medicine. Currently, there are few opportunities for students to be involved in unhoused outreach or volunteering, and this student group would serve as a centralized core of students that will create opportunities to learn about the unique challenges unhoused people face, both generally and specifically in terms of seeking medical care. This club will allow students to engage with unhoused people and learn what it is like to live unhoused in St. Louis. This club will expand the diversity of educational experiences, especially those related to health equity and structural barriers.

Urology Interest Group (UIG)

The Urology Interest Group (UIG) is dedicated to providing medical students with opportunities to learn about and experience the unique field of Urology. Throughout the year, UIG will provide students with: opportunities to interact with Urology faculty and residents, information about the various areas of specialization within Urology, guidance on how to prepare resumes for application into Urology residency, and surgical technique practice in dedicated skills labs. UIG hopes to broaden student exposure to the field, while providing opportunities for mentorship and research.

Vascular Surgery Interest Group

The goal of the Vascular Surgery Interest Group (VSIG) organization is to provide information and hands-on experience to medical students regarding the field of vascular surgery. This will include surgical skills sessions, presentations from residents and faculty covering contemporary vascular surgery, as well as promoting an interface between medical students and faculty to discuss the trajectory for students interested in pursuing this field.

Wilderness Medicine Interest Group (WMIG)

The Wilderness Medicine Interest Group (WMIG) provides opportunities for medical students to connect with nature and learn about wilderness medicine through outdoor adventures, procedure workshops, and participation in a MedWAR challenge.

WUMS Plus One

WUMS Plus One is a student-led initiative dedicated to supporting and strengthening the vibrant community of Washington University medical students with partners, spouses, or families.

WUSM Dance

WUSM Dance is a free-flowing community of medical students with a passion for dance and music.


The goal of WUSM FC is to provide a platform for WUSM students where they will be able to pursue different avenues of engagement with soccer-related activities.

WUSM Film Society

The purpose of WUSM Film Society is to celebrate interdisciplinary learning and critical discussion of medically relevant issues through the medium of film, documentary, and video screenings.


Wash U School of Medicine Gaming Club! Organized by medical students to provide opportunities to play video games and board games with each other and faculty.

WUSM Martial Arts Club

WUSM Martial Arts Club will promote student well-being and build relationships through the community of martial arts! Practicing martial arts is an ancient tradition that has arguably never been more popular. People pursue martial arts for a variety of reasons: self-defense, a great workout, a sense of community, and spiritual release. This club would like to serve both beginners and advanced practitioners of martial arts. We hope to host introductory classes from various forms of martial arts (BJJ, Krav Maga, Kickboxing, and Muay Thai to name a few) as well as negotiate discounts and facilitate gym relationships for students actively seeking a place to practice their desired martial art.

WUSM Mindfulness

WUSM Mindfulness holds group practice sessions for mindfulness.

WUSM Ski & Board

The mission of WUSM Ski & Board is to provide students with an opportunity to combine their  love of skiing with their passion for medicine in a way that both gives back to the community and increases their knowledge and skills. Our members will partner with the Gateway Disabled Ski Program at Hidden Valley Resort, an organization that provides free adaptive skiing lessons for individuals with disabilities in the STL community. Additionally, members will have the opportunity to obtain their Outdoor Emergency Care certificate and participate as volunteer Ski Patrollers at the resort.

WUSM Sustainability

WUSM Sustainability works to promote and achieve greater sustainability in WUSM and the greater medical school community through initiatives (e.g. reusable anatomy gloves), educational interventions (e.g. Climate Change series), and collaboration.

WUSM Wine Society

The WUSM Wine Society seeks to foster an appreciation for and knowledge of the art of wine-making and wine-tasting. Through various educational lessons, the Wine Society aims to bring students together to learn about various types of wine, how to taste and identify tasting notes, and develop their wine palates.