Whether your goal is clinical practice, scientific contribution, or another scholarly pathway, research can be an important part of your medical training. The Office of Medical Student Research and Scholarship is ready and eager to connect you with a program and a mentor that meets your interests.

Terrance Kummer, MD, PhD
Assistant Dean, Medical Student Research and Scholarship
Director, EXPLORE Program
Associate Professor of Neurology

Dean Kummer and EXPLORE/OMSRS Program Manager Roz Robinson work personally with each student to identify interests, find faculty mentors, and arrange support.

Endless opportunities

The research enterprise at Washington University is among the most extensive in the world. Renowned and gifted faculty investigators help students learn how discovery takes place and how to practice medicine at the edge of what is known.

Student research by the numbers

  • 2,100+ faculty mentors available to mentor students in any specialty
  • more that 90% of medical students choose to participate in a research program during their training
  • 98% of student researchers recommend their research program*

*Based on most recent data.

Jeffrey T. Fort Neuroscience Research Building

In late 2023, laboratories from the Departments of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neuroscience, and several others moved into the new Jeffrey T. Fort Neuroscience Research Building, an 11-story, 609,000-square-foot facility on the WUSM campus that brings together more than 100 research teams focused on solving the many mysteries of the brain.

Nobel Laureates

Washington University has been affiliated with 26 Nobel Laureates, including 19 Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine.